Christ Church Memphis

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Important Pastoral Update

Today we are announcing an important update to the timeline of Rev. Dr. Shane Stanford’s departure as Lead Pastor of Christ Church. Pastor Shane has announced his next venture: the Moore-West Center for Applied Theology where he will serve as the Executive Director and CEO. With his new venture in place, Pastor Shane has announced his last day on staff at Christ Church—Sunday, January 16, 2022.

The timing of Shane’s departure has been a work of the Lord on his heart, personally, and allows for a more appropriate window of time between himself and whoever the Lord brings us as our next Senior Pastor. We graciously support Shane’s decision to expedite his timeline as he remains obedient to the work of the Lord through his new ministry including Servant School, full-time.

We are grateful for our Executive Committee who has prayerfully and efficiently worked to guide us during this season of transitions. Our Executive Committee has officially voted Bro. Rev. Dr. Chris Carter into the position of Interim Senior Pastor, effective Sunday, January 16 after Shane’s departure from Christ Church. Because of Chris’s shepherding heart, joy, graciousness, and humility, we know he will lead us with excellence in this season of “in-between”. While Pastor Chris will assume the majority of Sunday morning teaching responsibilities, he will also employ a periodic rotation of all our teaching pastors to continue their development and celebrate the giftedness of our staff.

Please join us in gratitude for Shane’s service to the Lord through his position at Christ Church and in prayerful anticipation of what God has next for us and for him.

In this season we recognize that being a united congregation is of the utmost importance. In that spirit, we will continue our current worship schedule as it stands: 8:30am Traditional and one 11:00am Combined service. This new service will contain elements of the Traditional, Contemporary, and The Table services and celebrate Christ Church as a place where ancient traditions meet modern worship. Our worship teams are excited to work together and are contributing their unique gifts as they craft a new expression of worship.