Christ Church Affiliation Update
A Comparison of GMC and Foundry Network
The Global Methodist Church (GMC)
The Foundry Network (TFN): No website developed
Apportionments or Cost:
GMC: Yes, 1.5% of annual budget.
TFN: Yes, related to once-a-year conference and initiatives. Costs are yet to be defined.
Will the local church own its building and assets?
GMC: Yes. Local church owns its property.
TFN: Yes. Local church owns its property.
GMC: 1,300 churches and growing.
TFN: 12 churches with hopes to grow.
Ordination process for clergy?
GMC: Clergy education required. Ordination process required.
TFN: Local church ordains/licenses clergy. Each local church sets its own standard.
Theological Standards:
GMC: Yes, have been placed in writing.
TFN: Affirmation of multiple creeds, but theology not fully clarified and not in writing.
There will be no “bishops for life” in the Global Methodist Church. According to the Global Methodist Church’s Transitional Book of Doctrines and Discipline (see paragraph 516.2), bishops will only serve for defined term limits. Once they serve their terms, they will either return to ministry in a local church or to some other area of service in the general church.
Affiliation Town Hall Gathering
Christ Church will host a church-wide Town Hall Gathering on Sunday morning, April 23, during the Sunday School hour to provide an opportunity to ask questions regarding the two choices before us regarding affiliation.
The Town Hall will take place in Seabrook Hall.
We do not anticipate all Sunday School classes canceling on April 23 but want to make this opportunity available for all persons who would appreciate a forum to ask questions as we move toward a church-wide vote on or around Sunday, June 4, 2023.