New Hope Grief Care

Caring for those who are grieving as they journey to new hope. We have this hope as an anchor for our soul, firm and secure. —Hebrews 6:19

Anchor with text: 'Caring for Those Who Grieve', 'New Hope', 'On the Journey to New Hope', 'Hebrews 6:19' on a blue gradient background.

About New Hope Grief Care

  • While grief takes place individually, it is the care and support that comes from the company of others who are also grieving that is enormously comforting.  Grieving individuals need opportunities to tell their stories of grief again and again.  They need to feel safe to explore the details of their grief experience in order to make sense of it.

  • New Hope Grief Care provides needed opportunities to find comfort and connection with those who have experienced the death of a loved one.  Understanding how grief impacts our mind, body, soul, emotions, and relationships allows the griever to ride atop the waves of grief and not be pulled under by it. 

    Through grief care groups (6 weeks), special workshops, connection groups, and individual grief counseling, individuals may experience the many ways God uses our grief to take us on a journey to a new hope that is firm and secure. 

  • The apostle Paul wrote words that have traveled through the centuries to us today:  We do not grieve as others who have no hope (1 Thess. 4.13). We believe such hope is to be found in the person of Jesus Christ.  Placing our hope in Jesus does not dismiss or negate our grief; rather, it allows us to put grief in its meaningful place.

  • “I have found comfort knowing that the sovereign God who is in control of everything, is the same God who has experienced the pain I live with every day.  No matter how deep the pit into which I descend, I keep finding God there.  He is not aloof from my suffering but draws near to me when I suffer. He is vulnerable to pain, quick to shed tears, and acquainted with grief. God is a suffering Sovereign who feels the sorrow of the world.”

    -Gerald Sittser, A Grace Disguised

    Give yourself time and space to explore your grief and the ways God meets us and works in our lives as you grieve the death of someone you have loved.  It would be a privilege to join your journey to new hope.

The New Hope Grief Journey

The New Hope Grief Journey is a six-week study where you will find two things important to you in your grief: words to guide you and a connection with others, who like you, are on the journey to new hope.  It may be hard for you to imagine that there is such a thing.  But we believe that there is a hope, firm and secure, that gives you an anchor to begin to understand and even be transformed by your experience of grief.

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