Women’s Ministry
Making, maturing, and mobilizing women
to be fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.

You're invited to join us for The Four, a women's half-day Advent event. We will share the stories of these four incredible women, sing songs of worship, and enter this Advent with new eyes to see grace in more beautiful ways.
Repeatedly God tells His Great Story in ways and with people that are not what we expected. Christ's family tree is filled with colorful characters. Some were noble; others were evil; some left legacies of faith; others left a long trail of dysfunction. Yet, in Matthew's list of twenty-seven names, four surprising names stand out: Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, and Bathsheba. Why were these four women included in the story that led to the birth of Jesus?
Dec. 3 in Wilson Chapel from 9:00 am–12:00pm
Women’s Discipleship Groups
One of the primary ways that disciples of Jesus grow at Christ Methodist are through our Discipleship Groups.
These groups are places for women to grow together in discipleship as they pray together, study the Scriptures, and serve others. We have offerings throughout the week, many with childcare and family ministry offerings at the same time, to ensure that discipleship opportunities are available for all in the life of the church.
Women’s Sunday School Class
Led by Alane Miller and Laura Greenwell
WR 206 | 9:45-10:45 AM
New study starting Jan. 5—Strength in the Struggle book study by Lauren Ibach on letting go of fear and anxiety -
Monday Morning Mamas
Led by Kathryn Cloutier and Pam Hudsmith
9:30-11:00 AM | Nursery Playroom
Childcare is available for this group for 3 months to 5 years.
Registration OPEN
(begins 1/27/25)Truthseekers Study
Led by Stacy Tyson
January 6-May 5, 2025
DN 335 | 11:45 AM – 1:00 PM
Email: stacy@tsfmemphis.org? -
Threads of Love Circle
Led by Jo Ann Okerson
Meets Last Tues./ea. mo.
10 AM-Noon | Parlor
Email: brownrayder@aol.com
Lydia Circle
Led by Ann Eoff
First Tuesday of each month
Parlor | 10:00 AM-Noon
Email: annbeoff@gmail.comWOW- Women of the Word
Led by Sally Saig and Lisa Bobango
January 7—April 15, 2025
DN 337 | 10:00 AM-12:15 PM
Joy of Living study on the books of Hebrews and Romans
In-person and Zoom options available
Email: bobango4@gmail.comDeborah Circle
Led by Bettye Smith
Bridesroom | 10:00 AM-Noon
Second Tuesday of each month
Email: missb1127@comcast.net -
Wednesday Night Discipleship
5:00–7:30 pm | Seabrook
Learn more about our WND curriculum.Dinner is offered in Seabrook Hall from 5-6, and Family Ministry is available with childcare from ages 0-5, Wednesday Night Kids with elementary children, and Refuge with middle & high school students.
Truth First
Led by Elizabeth Nearn, Sherry Webster, Nancy Trussell, and Janet Dillard
January 9—April 3, 2025 | 9:30-11:00 AM
Studying: Prayer- Experiencing God
Small group time in various rooms and large group worship and teaching in the parlorBooks are available for purchase on Sunday, 1/5/2025, and 1/9/2025.
Precept Bible Study: Acts
Led by Patsy Wadlington
10:00 AM-Noon | Parlor