Senior Adults
One of the unique characteristics of Christ Church is the diversity of generations. We are thankful for the numerous members who have faithfully served the church for 25-55 years. We honor and empower each senior adult as he or she continues to invest in the Kingdom and Christ Church.
Senior Sunday School Classes
Meeting at 9:45 AM
Amazing Grace, single/married, Wilson-Ross 405-406, led by Jim Duncan
Lamplighters, single/married, Wilson Chapel, led by Dr. Jim Eoff
Logos, single/married, Wilson/Ross 209, led by Tom Dyer
PCS, single, Dunnam 337, led by Anola Yee
Seekers, single/married, Wilson/Ross 210, led by Hank Shelton
Sheahan's Senior Safaris (S3)
Senior Adult Trips
These trips feature day excursions to local and out-of-town locations. Programs offer opportunities for fellowship and learning as seniors travel to places of interest.
The Independent Transportation Network
Dignified Transportation for Senior Adults
Christ Church was the pilot church in Memphis for this nonprofit ministry in 2014.
iTNMemphis is an affiliate of iTNAmerica, the nation’s first and only independent transportation network for seniors age 60 and up and for adults with visual impairments. iTNMemphis provides door-through-door, arm-through-arm transportation that is designed to feel like riding with a friend. Service is membership-based and available 24/7 for any purpose.
iTNMemphis currently offers rides that originate within the 240 Loop but hopes to expand as more volunteer drivers are available.
Christ Church's iTN chair is Al Hartman. For information on becoming a driver, click here.