“Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.” Romans 12:12

Care Ministries

Through the love and care of Jesus Christ, hearts are healed, hope is shared and lives are transformed.

We’re Here For The Big Moments In Your Life

The Care Ministry team is available to come beside you to help you experience God’s love for you and His presence with you. Our desire is to help you find the next-step for the healing, growth and hope to be found in Jesus Christ. 

Meet the Team

  • Smiling man with long hair wearing a beige blazer and pink checkered shirt.

    Rev. Ken Stewart

    Assistant Director, Care Ministries
    Associate Pastor, Middle Adults

  • Smiling woman with short blonde hair wearing a blue blouse and cardigan against a neutral background.

    Alane Miller, LMSW

    Care Associate for Mental Health

  • A person with short, curly hair and glasses wearing a patterned blouse standing against a plain background.

    Laura Greenwell

    Director, Women in Ministry
    Director, Hospitality

  • Man in glasses wearing a plaid shirt smiling at the camera against a plain background.

    Josh Landen

    Interim Director of Men’s Ministry

  • Smiling woman with curly gray hair, wearing a white top, against a plain background.

    Leigh Anne Massey-Murray

    Executive Assistant,
    Care Ministries