Young Adult Ministry
Sunday School
Our classes are the best way for you to connect with others at Christ Church and find the place where you belong! They all meet at 9:45 on Sunday mornings at the church, and are set up by life stage.
College & Career
This class is for those young adults that are in college and graduate school, and single young professionals. Most of the class are in their 20s.
It meets in Wilson Ross 204.
This class is for those that are launching their families: engaged & newly married couples, and young parents. Most of the class are in their late 20s and early 30s.
It meets in Wilson Ross 414
Coupled in Christ
This class is for those that have had some more time to establish themselves, and includes young families, most with multiple children. Most of the class are in their late 30s and early 40s.
It meets in Wilson Ross 415/416.
For more information about visiting one of these classes, contact our Discipleship Pastor, Grant Caldwell.