
In this special season of new beginnings, we are excited and honored that you have given Christ Church Memphis an opportunity to share with you in your engagement and wedding.

A large brick church with a tall white spire and a cross on the facade, surrounded by trees, under a clear blue sky.

Weddings at Christ Church

We aim provide you with both the personnel and the setting which will uphold the sacredness of God and magnify the joy that characterizes all Christian worship, especially the service of Christian marriage.

We will work diligently to enable you to experience your wedding ceremony as a true spiritual celebration while maintaining Christian integrity in traditions that have enriched the marriages of countless generations before us.  We look forward to caring and serving you in your anticipation of this exciting beginning of your marriage.

Our wedding coordinator assists with all the details concerning the church for all weddings held on campus.

Premarital Counseling Memphis

Your wedding day will be one of the most special and memorable days of your life, but we believe that it is not just the end of your engagement, but the start of your new life together as a married couple. Our pastors want to walk alongside of you during this important season to equip and launch you well! For more information, fill out this form to speak with one of our pastors:

Prepare & Enrich: Pre-Marital Counseling

We grew up at Christ Church and could not be more grateful to have received their pre-marital counseling for this new chapter in our lives. We are blessed to have the opportunity to share our story over the past month. They had so much wisdom and were such a comforting presence during our sessions.
— Anna and Henry Stratton

More Information

  • Due to the high number of weddings held on our campus, it is required that the bride, groom or parents of either are members of Christ Church in order to use the Sanctuary or Wilson Chapel.

    Non-members may ONLY use Reeves Chapel for their wedding service.

  • Sanctuary: maximum capacity 1,150

    Available to members only

    Wilson Chapel: maximum capacity 275-300

    Available to members only

    Reeves Chapel: maximum capacity 80

    Available to members and non-members

  • Parlor (maximum capacity 100)

  • The Christ Church wedding coordinator assists with all the details concerning the church for all weddings held on campus.

    Please read the wedding booklet thoroughly first to answer questions about scheduling, fees, and rules so that we can most efficiently schedule your date.

  • For more detailed information or to check availability, contact Care Ministries at

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