Baptism is joining mysteriously in the sacrifice, death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus our Savior.
Within our rich heritage of faith in the Methodist tradition, Holy Baptism is one of our two sacraments. In this powerful mystery of God’s movement within our lives, baptism is a sign that God’s grace makes it possible for us to be welcomed as His own through Jesus our Lord and Savior. God is choosing you as his child and places His Spirit within your heart as evidence of His love for you. (2 Corinthians 1:21-22)
Infant Baptism
When a child is brought for baptism, parents and family members speak on the child’s behalf as they confirm their own faith in Christ. It is a special and significant milestone to welcome your child into the family of God at Christ Church. Parents will attend a one session class prior to their child’s baptism where they meet with our pastors to discover the meaning and importance of this time.
Adult Baptism
Baptism as an adult becomes the way we step into God’s love which has always been pursuing us. One of the beautiful expressions of faith at your baptism is the community celebration where the church not only rejoices with you but commits to join you in this new life of faith in Christ.
When are baptisms held?
Infant baptisms are held during worship services on the third Sunday of the month, and individuals may choose which service they would like the baptism to take place.
Adult baptisms are held throughout the month after consultation.
What are the requirements for baptism?
In preparation of baptism you are required to faithfully participate within our church community by being present during worship for at least one month so the church community has an opportunity to get to know you through fellowship.
How are baptisms performed?
We perform baptism by sprinkling (most common), pouring water on or over the person’s heard, and by immersion (complete submersion in water).