Christ Church Stories

Why is the Gospel the Good News? 
Christ Church Memphis Christ Church Memphis

Why is the Gospel the Good News? 

What makes the gospel such good news? Explore the transformative power of God’s grace, its implications for our lives, and how it frees us to live boldly in Christ.

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How is God’s Kingdom Moving?
Rev. Paul Lawler Rev. Paul Lawler

How is God’s Kingdom Moving?

Explore the profound parable of Matthew 13:33 and discover how God's Kingdom operates like yeast, impacting individuals, cultures, and history. Learn about redemption, sanctification, and the global advancement of the Kingdom in our lifetime.

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The Power of Prioritizing God
Rev. Paul Lawler Rev. Paul Lawler

The Power of Prioritizing God

Explore the significance of putting God first and the abundant blessings available. Learn from the Ephesian Church's example of prioritizing God and love. Discover how heart-aligned stewardship can bring blessings to your life as you faithfully give God what belongs to Him, experiencing His redeeming power.

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Who We Are Depends On Whose We Are
Rev. Paul Lawler Rev. Paul Lawler

Who We Are Depends On Whose We Are

To be Lord implies a surrender of rights, but Western culture emphasizes my identity. What ways are God’s Lordship on display in our lives?

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