Christ Church Stories
Taking A Risk on God
A risk-free life sounds nice but is impossible. For the Christian, what risks will we take for God? The Christmas story involves a severe reputation risk, but Mary's faithfulness blessed the world. What fears disable believers from flourishing? How can we learn from Mary and Joseph to follow the Lord without fear?
Receiving God Over Fear
Fear paralyzes human flourishing and is a tool of the enemy to make us believe we have control. However, Scripture repeatedly tells us that we were not given a spirit of fear and that perfect love casts out all fear. So how do we give control to God instead of allowing fear to drive us?
How We Should Respond to God’s Call
Like Gabriel telling Mary, she would birth the Son of the Most High, God can call us to extraordinary things. It’s understandable to be overwhelmed or even fearful in those situations. So how can we learn to respond to God’s call from Mary’s example?
The History of Handel’s “Messiah'“
The story behind this piece of classical music goes back hundreds of years and has become one of Christianity's most enduring art pieces.
The Gift of a Savior
During Advent, Christians enter a season of waiting and meditation to prepare our hearts for Christmas. While there are thousands of reasons to grateful for a savior, we can look to John 1 for five doctrinal truths about the gift of our savior.
Characteristics of a Healthy Church
We'll never find satisfaction through worldly pursuits, so how do we posture our hearts to participate in "thirst-quenching" worship? What does a healthy church look like? Here are eight characteristics of the church as a worshipping community.
The First Things of a Blessed Life
Jesus taught us that the Father would care for us when we seek Him first. How we manage our money says volumes about our heart priorities, loyalties, and affections. For a church that puts God first, there are three patterns of life-giving firsts.
Why Are Christians Chosen People?
Christians have been called a “Chosen People,” but what does that mean? How does the Holy Spirit make us more like Christ? In this blog, we outline five alignments of a believer’s heart and mind
Grief in the Season of Joy
How do you find hope in the holidays when grief outweighs any joy? Be guided by the reality that there is no right or wrong way to celebrate the holidays after a loved one has died.
Why Prayer Works
What happens when we pray? What’s the difference between praying for what’s in us versus what we want? How do we restore the altars of our life to meet God?