Refugee Empowerment Program (REP)

Mission: To empower refugees and immigrants in Memphis, TN, by offering high-quality, tailored programming that encourages, educates, and equips individuals, families, and the community.

Vision: A united, prosperous, and well-acclimated newcomer community where refugees and immigrants achieve self-actualization and create new homes in Memphis, TN.

Program Highlights

  • Cultural Navigation and Integration Services: Offers assistance in areas such as health services, home management, employability skills, transportation, and citizenship preparation.

  • Educational Programs:

    • STARS Elementary: Serves approximately 125 K-5 students with trauma-informed, enrichment-focused afterschool programs.

    • Rising Dream Keepers: Serves 70 middle and high school students with academic, social, and emotional development programs.

    • Adult Education: Provides English classes, citizenship preparation, and a college support program.

  • Evangelism and Discipleship: Partners with refugee-led congregations, supports Bible study groups, and offers individualized discipleship for youth and adults.

Community Impact

  • Over 60 participants became U.S. citizens this year.

  • 100% of high school seniors graduated with a plan for college or career.

  • Served over 250 PK-12th grade students through after-school and summer enrichment programs.

  • Addressed systems-level advocacy for greater inclusion of refugee needs.


Support Refugee Empowerment Program

    • For newly resettled refugees to find welcoming communities and safe housing.

    • For the staff’s health, resilience, and faith as they navigate the challenges of this work.

    • For committed and compassionate new members to join the Board of Directors.

    • Financial support funds cultural brokers’ salaries and the purchase of household, school, and seasonal essentials for newly arrived families.

    • Donate items for welcome baskets, including bedding, diapering supplies, cleaning products, hygiene items, and school supplies.

    • Serve in afterschool programs (Monday-Thursday, 3:00–7:00 PM) or adult education classes (Monday-Wednesday mornings and evenings).

    • Volunteer as a college mentor or assist with summer enrichment programs.

    • Support administrative work, fundraising, or apply to join the Board of Directors.


Ministry Champion

Robert Hunt


World Relief Memphis


Global Friends Memphis