Service Over Self (SOS)

Mission: To glorify God by proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ in underserved neighborhoods through home repair and leadership development.

Vision: To empower people to flourish by providing critical home repairs, vocational training, and discipleship opportunities in Binghampton, Orange Mound, and The Heights.

Program Highlights

  • Spring and Summer Camps: Hosts high school and college students for week-long volunteer service camps focused on home repair and holistic discipleship.

  • SOS Builds: Offers after-school and summer job training programs for at-risk youth, teaching construction skills, job readiness, and teamwork.

  • SOS Academy: A nine-month community development residency for young adults, equipping them to live lives of hospitality and service while working with partner organizations.

Community Impact

  • Completed critical home repairs for 20 homeowners in underserved neighborhoods.

  • Empowered 18 students in the SOS Builds program, with two graduates hired as part-time mentors and one now flourishing in Moore Tech’s property management program.

  • Hosted over 600 students in Spring and Summer Camps, fostering gospel-centered transformation.

  • Maintained strong community partnerships to expand program reach and impact.


Support Service Over Self (SOS)

    • Pray for faithfulness in serving partner communities and sharing the gospel.

    • Pray for full enrollment in Spring and Summer Camps.

    • Pray for wisdom in growing SOS Builds partnerships and programs.

    • Pray for grace, love, and support for year-round staff.

    • **Financial gifts support staffing, operations, and overhead expenses by donating online,**

    • Donate snacks for SOS Builds or meals for summer staff.

    • Contribute funds toward two new work trucks and a smaller truck for the Construction Director.

    • High school students: Sign up for summer camps with your youth group.

    • College students: Join one of our Spring Break camps or sign up to serve as one of our summer staff.

    • Adults: Serve as leaders for high school students and help with home repairs, or support our kitchen crew during the summer by serving a meal and helping with cleanup. This can be a great service opportunity for Sunday School classes or small groups.


Ministry Champion

Thomas Marino


Capstone Education Group (Cornerstone Elementary)


Economic Opportunities, LLC (EcOp)