Mission Statement & Ministry Goals Update
Now that we have completed our disaffiliation and affiliation process, let us turn our hearts and minds to the Lord and look to the future. We aim to solidify a simplified mission statement and new ministry goals by late summer or early fall 2023
Many of you gave input on simplifying our mission statement and establishing goals after our Prayer Summits last winter. As we simplify our mission statement, the phrase “make, mature, and mobilize” will be captured within our new core values.
With a heart to keep the needle moving, here are some updates:
1) Refining our Mission Statement
Remember, a mission statement is a short, concise edge in the sword of what God calls us to do. We want four-year-olds to be able to recite it, as well as 94-year-olds. Here are the submissions we have received thus far:
Glorify God and make disciples of Jesus Christ.
To Glorify God as we seek His face and make disciples of Jesus Christ.
Glorify God and make disciples of Jesus Christ among all peoples.
We exist to glorify God and make disciples of Jesus Christ.
2) First Cut at Fresh Core Values (Utilizing the acronym M.O.V.E.)
M: Mobilize
We exist to make mature and multiply disciples through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are committed to mobilizing the Body of Christ in local and global completion of the Great Commission.
O: Overflowing in the Practice of Prayer
We are committed to the holy rhythms of pausing for prayer in our gatherings and convening designated times for prayer as a church family.
We recognize that while the Gospel is proclaimed to generations and multiple ethnicities through the ministries of Christ Church, we are powerless in bringing the revelation of Jesus Christ to the human heart. We know only God can reveal the Son in saving and redeeming power as the Gospel is proclaimed.
We recognize where there is much prayer, there is much power to reveal the glory of the Son. Where there is little prayer, there is little power to reveal the glory of the Son.
V: Vital Hospitality
The hospitality culture of a church reflects its heart for the Gospel and a heart for people hearing the Gospel. Perhaps this is why the Scriptures heavily emphasize hospitality (Romans 12:13; Hebrews 12:3; 1 Peter 4:9; Titus 1:8).
On Sundays, we have people entering parking lots, front doors, side doors, Seabrook doors, Wilson Ross, and Wilson Chapel doors, and we want to ensure that we express hospitality by making eye contact, shaking a hand, and giving a warm greeting and welcome.
We desire to build a Gospel-centered culture wed with warm hospitality, which should be reflected among people who care about people hearing the Gospel—particularly when God has placed Christ Church in the center of the greater Memphis metroplex of 1.3 million people.
E: Every Member is a Minister
We are passionately committed to every member knowing and utilizing their spiritual gifts to glorify God and to build up the Body of Christ by regularly serving in ministry. We are committed to creating a culture that equips, empowers, and releases God’s people into the fullness of all it means to be “the priesthood of all believers.”
3) First Cut at Mission Goals
While these are not all the mission goals that are emerging, here are some of them:
Provide regular training opportunities in Perspectives (12–15-week curriculum) to equip people to engage unreached people groups.
Provide regular training opportunities in When Helping Hurts (6-week curriculum) to help people effectively minister to people in poverty.
Equip, send, and support 20 long-term (10+ years) missionaries from our congregation to serve on a missions team reaching unreached people groups.
4) First Cut at Discipleship Goals
While these are not all of the emerging discipleship goals, here are some of them. These do not conflict with the intentional discipleship we have created on Wednesday nights (some groups are meeting at other times during the week) during the school year but complement and enhance the formation of a broader intentional discipleship culture.
All staff trained in Zume Discipleship Training, and all Discipleship leaders trained in Zume Discipleship Training.
Launch and support the creation of Banded Discipleship groups.
Establish regular rhythms of church-wide prayer summits.
5) Church Planting Goals
Plant one new church a year beginning in 2025, utilizing a Christ Church resident.