Paul’s Book Recommendations

A few of you are noticing that I give away and/or recommend books and resources regularly. Someone recently asked me, “What book or resource do you give away or recommend the most?” That’s a difficult question for me to answer, so I broke it into categories. Here are some of my book and resource recommendations to aid you in your development as a Christ-follower: 

For persons who desire to understand more about the gift of biblically centered brokenness and how God uses circumstances to develop you: 

For persons who desire freedom from being offended: 

For persons who wish to be free from envy/jealousy: 

For persons who wish to develop a heart of teachability and growth: 

For persons desiring dynamic prayer lives: 

For persons who desire to apply the plain and clear command of Jesus to “make disciples:”

For persons who desire to understand the models of intentional discipleship found in our Methodist heritage: 

For persons desiring greater understanding related to the Gospel and the power of the Holy Spirit: 


In Preparation for A New Semester of Discipleship


Introducing Christ Church Citywide