Paul’s Book Recommendations
A few of you are noticing that I give away and/or recommend books and resources regularly. Someone recently asked me, “What book or resource do you give away or recommend the most?” That’s a difficult question for me to answer, so I broke it into categories. Here are some of my book and resource recommendations to aid you in your development as a Christ-follower:
For persons who desire to understand more about the gift of biblically centered brokenness and how God uses circumstances to develop you:
A Tale of Three Kings: A Study in Brokenness, by Gene Edwards
SageTalk with Al Henson & Paul Lawler: Part 1: Victory in Brokenness
SageTalk with Al Henson & Paul Lawler: Part 2: Brokenness, It’s not an Outcome, It’s a Lifestyle
SageTalk with Al Henson & Paul Lawler: Part 3: Brokenness, At the End of Self . . . is Jesus.
For persons who desire freedom from being offended:
For persons who wish to be free from envy/jealousy:
Envy: The Enemy Within, Bob Sorge
For persons who wish to develop a heart of teachability and growth:
The Power of a Humble Life, Richard Simmons
Humility: The Journey Toward Holiness, Andrew Murray
For persons desiring dynamic prayer lives:
Transforming Prayer: How Everything Changes When You Seek God’s Face, Daniel Henderson
Old Paths, New Power, Daniel Henderson
The Power of a Prayer Summit, Daniel Henderson
The Fasting Key, Mark Nysewander
The Miracle Results of Fasting, Dave Williams
Recovering the Fire of Holy Desperation, Paul Lawler
Strategic Renewal, Daniel Henderson and Team
The Workbook on Living Prayer, Maxie Dunnam
The Workbook on Intercessory Prayer, Maxie Dunnam
For persons who desire to apply the plain and clear command of Jesus to “make disciples:”
Zume Training, Curtis Sergeant and Team
No More Spectators, Mark Nysewander
For persons who desire to understand the models of intentional discipleship found in our Methodist heritage:
The Class Meeting, Dr. Kevin Watson
The Band Meeting, Dr. Kevin Watson & Dr. Scott Kisker
Discipleship Bands: A Practical Field Guide, Mark Benjamin & J.D. Walt
For persons desiring greater understanding related to the Gospel and the power of the Holy Spirit:
Methodist Need a Charismatic Upgrade, Peter J. Bellini
The Presence, Alec Rowlands
The Supernatural Occurrences of John Wesley, Daniel Jennings