A Word About the 2024 Election

As You Prepare to Vote in Our Presidential Election

I am a bit of a student of history. Because of this, I am aware that some of the darkest and most anemic periods of church history are found when the church links its influence with political power. You can see this illustrated primarily in European history. Even though I have strong opinions, I will not publicly announce a personal endorsement for President, as some in our faith family have suggested.

As we navigate turbulent times, the role of a Pastor is not to provide commentary on every "issue of the day." If I led a church by addressing every “issue of the day,” we would end up being tossed back and forth like the wind to wars in the Middle East and Ukraine, to hurricanes and earthquakes, to tensions with China, to every domestic issue or to whatever is hot off the press. As your Pastor, I have been charged by God to faithfully teach/preach the Word of God (2 Timothy 4:2) so God's people are informed and grow into maturity (Ephesians 4:12-16) by applying His Word to issues of the day and issues related to their own eternity and the eternity of others.

When times arise when I believe it is necessary, I am not hesitant to address matters related to our nation’s political culture in WFPP (See previous article HERE) or from the pulpit. We all know this is a vulnerable time in our nation’s history, and whoever serves as the future Commander and Chief of the United States of America will face challenging domestic issues and a world full of conflict and tensions, ranging from the Taiwan Strait to war in Europe to a white-hot conflict in the Middle East. 

There has never been a more important time to heed the words of Scripture when we are instructed in this way: 

"First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.” 1 Timothy 2:1-2 (ESV, emphasis added)

As you discern how to vote in this year’s presidential election, I encourage you to participate first. We are ultimately citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven, but temporally citizens of the United States of America. As temporal citizens, I encourage you to remember the words of Jesus: “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God (Matthew 4:4)." To put it in practical terms, as we enter this election cycle, it is wise for a Christ-follower to ask, “Which candidate, as flawed as they may be, and which political party, best aligns with the ‘Word that has proceeded from the mouth of God?’” 

May God give you great guidance as you vote for your conscience in this presidential election. 


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