Day One: A Spiritual Journey of Redemption
Take the first step of your journey from darkness to light. Drawing from Genesis 1, discover the transformative power of embracing Day One and stepping into God's radiant grace. Find guidance on acknowledging the goodness of light, speaking it into existence, and experiencing the shift toward redemption.
Let There Be Light
“And God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light. And God saw that the light was good. And God separated the light from the darkness.” Genesis 1:3-4
Darkness and light cannot coexist. To extinguish one is to give prevalence to the other. And as believers, this is also true of our spiritual life and relationship with God.
“You are slaves of the one whom you obey, either of sin, which leads to death, or of obedience, which leads to righteousness.” Romans 6:16
It is impossible to live in both worlds, and we cannot discover righteousness without stepping into a new light. When we leave a pattern of sin behind us, we enter a new reality, indicating we’ve taken the first step to emerge from the darkness and into the light.
For those deciding to leave the darkness that clouds you, there is no day more significant than the first—Even the Bible starts with the first day! We can point to milestones along the journey, but we can always look to Day One as the day that light (grace, mercy, and endurance) entered our lives.
Let’s examine why Day One matters so much.
A Closer Look at Darkness
“The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep.” Genesis 1:2
To comprehend the light, we must take one step back and examine the darkness. So, for the earth to be formless, it’s indicative that there was chaos. Darkness was already resistant to God’s orchestration.
Five times in the Creation story, God steps back to affirm that it was good. Then, once humanity is added, He ups the ante and declares it “very good.” Goodness and beauty were our original standard status.
Yet two chapters later, in the Garden of Eden, we see that same darkness enter humanity. Through our plagued desires for free will, the remnants of humanity’s brokenness still reside in each of us. Because we’ve fallen, our eternal such is return to that original status.
Whether it’s a secret sin or misdirected worship, we’re all lost in a darkness, and the Enemy is working overtime to ensure you never step out of it. Regardless of what that darkness is, there are two outcomes: Rock bottom or spiritual awakening. However, in God’s mysterious ways, the two are often intertwined.
The story of Job is a beautiful testament to one of God’s faithful servants, but even in his story, we see rock bottom.
“For my sighing comes instead of my bread,
and my groanings are poured out like water.
For the thing that I fear comes upon me,
and what I dread befalls me.
I am not at ease, nor am I quiet;
I have no rest, but trouble comes.”Job 3:24-26
How often have our sins left us feeling this way? We recognize our sinfulness, yet we can’t pull away. We’ll swear it off this time…only to return, crushed by remorse, rejection, and desperation as we spiral further down a hole of self-deprecation.
Don’t mistake what’s happening: The Enemy’s tactic is working. However, here’s our hope!
“But everything exposed by the light becomes visible—and everything that is illuminated becomes a light. This is why it is said: ‘Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.’” Ephesians 5:13-14
The details of Genesis 1 and 2 are often debated regarding whether the author was being metaphorical or literal. However, regardless of the literary tools deployed to tell the Creation story, the story's most important point is to focus not on HOW creation unfolded but WHO created it.
In your brokenness and sin, it’s now about how you got there instead, it’s about WHO got you there. The point of Day One is to acknowledge that God has delivered a new day. You are no longer cast into the void of a formless and chaotic environment because light has shined on you.
While we may not always follow God’s path for our lives, let’s not eliminate what He can do with the road we travel. There is no travesty, small or large, that you can commit that God can’t forgive and cast into His light.
How to Step Into the Light
A pastor once told me about meeting a farmer at his dairy farm. Upon arrival, he noticed a cow walking along the fence, leaning into it, then taking a few steps forward and doing it again. The cow repeatedly did this, so finally, the pastor asked the farmer what was happening. He replied, “That cow has broken free, so now it’s looking for other weak spots in the fence to escape again.”
The Enemy is pushing against your fence. As you start this new journey in light, he is looking for another weak spot—He wants to tear you down! If you’re only on Day One, your fence isn’t yet repaired enough to move down the line (but be warned—it’s coming). But as you start a path to redemption, let’s begin in God’s light!
“And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. And God saw that the light was good.” Genesis 1:3-4
For those entering into new light, as the Enemy pushes against you, there are two important things to pull from this passage.
1) Acknowledge The Light as Good
The first thing God did when He saw the light was to acknowledge that it was good. Your recognition of stepping out of day zero darkness and into Day One light is the acknowledgment that you’ve made the first step—Embracing the light!
You must celebrate this decision. The war isn't over, but a battle has been won. Rejoice in God for leading you to this moment, and anticipate and worship Him for what’s to come.
2) Speak the Light Into Existence
When creating light, Scripture doesn’t say God thought or whispered it. It says He “spoke,” which indicates a clear, vocalized expression of naming a new reality; It demanded action.
This is your turn to demand action. Not only should you acknowledge the light that’s extinguishing the darkness of your life, you should speak into it. Admittedly, this is much more difficult than acknowledgment.
First and foremost, address this with God—He is the author and creator of your light, after all! Confess your Day One light to God through prayer, Scripture meditation, and personal reflection.
Don’t stop there, though. Go to a confidant, church elder, family member, or close friend who can be trusted. Confess your new light and ask for accountability. Nowhere in Scripture are we called to exist in isolation.
When darkness is exposed, it becomes much more difficult to dwell in when you have a friend helping you hold the light.
One Day at a Time
One of the benefits of hiking during the day is not only our safety but it’s also so we can survey nature’s beauty.
God gave us light so we can enjoy the beauty of His creation. The healing process begins when we step away from our sin nature and begin to reside in His creation. Our soul, mind, eyes, heart, and so forth can start His holy scrubbing process in new light. For example, scales fell from the Apostle Paul’s eyes when he was filled with the Holy Spirit.
Most recovery circles share the concept of not Day One, but one day at a time. When we approach each day as new, we acknowledge that we can’t alter the future until we’ve adjusted the present. In the moment, we may not feel free, but we’re establishing the building blocks to one day revisit a time when our cup spilled over with an awareness of God’s mercies.
When darkness is exposed, it’s easy to dwell on the revelation of awfulness we once lived. However, when dwelling in God’s light, we’re allowed to marvel at the beauty of God’s nature.
“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”
Experience the Light
As we wrap up, let’s step back to the beginning and acknowledge that you may be deep within the throes of rock bottom or stuck in the Enemy’s vicious cycle. As we established earlier, part of the cloud of darkness that drags you further down is the awareness that there is something better. So, we need to recognize that without the Gospel, we would have no light.
JESUS: “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness but will have the light of life.” John 8:12
We exist in a liminal state between the Old and the New. A new world is coming where all the sadness, evil, and brokenness are undone. Christ will one day establish a new earth that celebrates His victory. However, until then, our world is still broken, as is our lives.
If you’re stuck in a pattern of sin and searching for an exit or have viciously plateaued in prayer for a new awakening, remember that we have the light of Day One ready to meet us where we are. Without Day One, there is no path to redemption.
“For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate. Now, if I do what I do not want, I agree with the law that it is good. So now it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells within me. For I know that nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh. For I have the desire to do what is right, but not the ability to carry it out.” Romans 7:15-18
It’s probable that you’ve likely tried to step into light on your own accord but have been unsuccessful. When we review Scripture, we see many who attempted to obey the laws independently. People who thought if they could prescribe a life of law-abiding citizenship, they could cast their own salvation, yet repeatedly, we see them fail.
These failings, coupled with our own remorse and desires for restoration, can become a playground for the Enemy if we’re not cautious. Shame is not of God; however, Godly guilt can be a break in the clouds.
In 2 Corinthians 7, the Apostle Paul explains the difference between worldly and Godly guilt. There is no shame for those made anew in Christ, for you are a new creation! “For godly grief produces a repentance that leads to salvation without regret, whereas world grief produces death.”
When we review the Creation story, it’s not until day four that God created the sun, which means that the light on Day One was God. It was His brilliance and radiance that erased the darkness. Even before the sun was created, we see on day three that seas were gathered, vegetation sprouted, and fruit was yielded—All by His light!
“For what we proclaim is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, with ourselves as your servants for Jesus' sake. For God, who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.” 2 Corinthians 4:5-6
Only through faith in Christ can we live into Day One and experience light in the darkness. If you’re struggling, the answer is patiently waiting for you. He doesn’t say it will be easy, but He promises you can still step into a new day.
Drawing inspiration from the Creation story in Genesis, explore the spiritual journey of stepping out of darkness and into the light.
Darkness and light cannot coexist, compared to the spiritual life and one's relationship with God.
Recognizing and celebrating Day One as the moment when light enters one's life is essential.
Many struggle to break free from darkness, often feeling trapped in patterns of sin and remorse. However, exposure to the light can lead to transformation and spiritual awakening.
Our focus should not be on how one arrived in their state of brokenness but on the fact that God can deliver a new day of light and forgiveness.
Acknowledge the light as good and speak it into existence.
Seek God's guidance through prayer and confession to trusted individuals.
There is no path to redemption without the Gospel and faith in Christ. That is the key to stepping into a new day filled with God's grace and mercy.
Related Reading
What Did Jesus Say About Spiritual Blindness by Rev. Jacky Gatliff
Qualities of a Convicted Heart by Bro. Chris Carter
How to Overcome the Desires of the Flesh by Rev. Paul Lawler