Christ Church Stories

Characteristics of a Healthy Church
We'll never find satisfaction through worldly pursuits, so how do we posture our hearts to participate in "thirst-quenching" worship? What does a healthy church look like? Here are eight characteristics of the church as a worshipping community.

The First Things of a Blessed Life
Jesus taught us that the Father would care for us when we seek Him first. How we manage our money says volumes about our heart priorities, loyalties, and affections. For a church that puts God first, there are three patterns of life-giving firsts.

Why Are Christians Chosen People?
Christians have been called a “Chosen People,” but what does that mean? How does the Holy Spirit make us more like Christ? In this blog, we outline five alignments of a believer’s heart and mind

Why Prayer Works
What happens when we pray? What’s the difference between praying for what’s in us versus what we want? How do we restore the altars of our life to meet God?

The Church as the Bride of Christ
Marriage is an icon of a greater reality and points to the relationship between Jesus and His Church. However, culture has distorted marriage as a commodity rather than a covenant. This blog explores what a covenant between Christ and His Church looks like.

Why Does God Want Our Hearts Enlightened?
Epignosis is an experiential divine knowledge of God. This isn’t a cerebral experience with God. Instead, it affects your being. So how do we pray to have our heart eyes enlightened to the reality of God moving into our experience?

Jesus is Head of the Church
Ephesians 1 is clear that Christ is Head of the Church, yet some people only think Jesus was a good teacher or man. Unfortunately, sometimes we don’t allow Jesus’ words to speak for Jesus, resulting in a Jesus caricature. So what qualifies Jesus as Head of the Church?

What is the Church's Global Responsibility?
What is a Christian’s responsibility to share the Gospel? Who is Jesus referring to when we’re told to take the Gospel to every nation? Christians are bringing light into darkness through caring for the broken and oppressed. What would it look like to live out John Wesley’s words, “The world is my parish?”

What is the Church?
Have we been operating under a false perception of what the Church is? Despite our cultural cues shaping our view of the Church, in Matthew 16, Jesus declares that He is building His Church. We outline five things the Church is and isn’t.