Christ Church Stories

How Does the Enemy Attack Us?
Bro. Chris Carter Bro. Chris Carter

How Does the Enemy Attack Us?

Through the Parable of the Wheat and Tares, Jesus warns us the Enemy is sowing deceptions in Christ’s world. In this blog, we look at nine ways the Enemy attacks and combat them with Scripture for how you can be prepared.

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How to Interpret the Themes of the Sheep and the Goat
Rev. Paul Lawler Rev. Paul Lawler

How to Interpret the Themes of the Sheep and the Goat

Delve into the five key elements of The Parable of the Sheep and the Goat, from the unfolding cosmic reality to the sobering truth of eternal condemnation. Understand how this scripture reveals the cosmic glory awaiting believers, the clarity in Jesus' words, the certainty of the coming separation, the gift of a grand inheritance, and the stark reality of eternal condemnation.

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Are You Prepared to Meet God Right Now?
Rev. Paul Lawler Rev. Paul Lawler

Are You Prepared to Meet God Right Now?

The Parable of the Ten Virgins carries a heavy message. This blog explores the critical importance of the parable from Matthew 25 about spiritual preparedness. Scripture tells us we all be held accountable, and many will profess faith, but are you prepared to meet God right now?

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Embracing Divine Opportunities: The Call To Seize the Day for God
Rev. Paul Lawler Rev. Paul Lawler

Embracing Divine Opportunities: The Call To Seize the Day for God

Discover the power of seizing God’s opportunities and faithful stewardship in living a purposeful life within His kingdom. Gain insights from The Parable of the Talents, explore your abilities, and understand the account you’ll give for your actions. Be faithful in little and find abundance in much.

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Grace & Legalism: Exploring the Parable of the Prodigal Son
Rev. Paul Lawler Rev. Paul Lawler

Grace & Legalism: Exploring the Parable of the Prodigal Son

Explore the powerful Parable of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15 and discover insights about grace, legalism, and God's unwavering love. Dive into the narrative of a wayward son's journey from pride to repentance and learn the crucial lessons it holds for us today. 

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4 Lessons from the Parable of the Good Samaritan 
Rev. Paul Lawler Rev. Paul Lawler

4 Lessons from the Parable of the Good Samaritan 

Explore four critical lessons from the Parable of the Good Samaritan, including recognizing the sacred worth of all people, the danger of mechanical religion, the need to bless our enemies, and the impossibility of self-justification before God. Discover how this powerful story highlights the depth of God's love and grace.

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Lessons from the Mustard Seed Parable
Rev. Paul Lawler Rev. Paul Lawler

Lessons from the Mustard Seed Parable

Explore the wisdom of Mark 4:30-32 and the Parable of the Mustard Seed. Discover how the smallest seeds can transform lives, nations, and the world. Learn the importance of planting these seeds in your heart and how God will grow them into something of infinite significance to His kingdom.

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Unveiling the Heart of Worship: A Deep Dive into Luke 7:36-50
Bro. Chris Carter Bro. Chris Carter

Unveiling the Heart of Worship: A Deep Dive into Luke 7:36-50

Discover a Tale of Contrasting Hearts: When Humility Meets Extravagant Love. Journey through Luke 7:36-50 and explore the transformation of a prideful Pharisee’s home into a House of Worship. In this blog, we show three markers of what the heart of worship looks like. 

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From Seed to Harvest: Examining the Seasons of Spiritual Fruition
Rev. Paul Lawler Rev. Paul Lawler

From Seed to Harvest: Examining the Seasons of Spiritual Fruition

This blog explores the four seasons of spiritual growth as a Christ-follower. How does the Word of God change our lives through the innate ability to bring growth and change? Examining the Parable of the Seed Growing teaches us how Christ transforms our lives, even when we can’t see it.

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What is a Parable? 
Grant Caldwell Grant Caldwell

What is a Parable? 

Why did Jesus choose to teach through parables? How do we interpret a parable? In this blog, we delve into why Jesus chose parables, their role in revealing profound messages, and how to navigate their meanings. 

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