Room in the Inn—Memphis

Mission: To shelter those experiencing homelessness in a safe environment of hospitality.

Vision: Holy Hospitality.

Program Highlights

  • Congregational Shelter: Faith communities provide shelter, meals, and hospitality for small groups of individuals during the coldest and hottest months of the year.

  • Family Inn: A 24/7 facility offering emergency shelter and wrap-around services to families experiencing homelessness, helping them transition into stable housing.

  • Recuperative Care Center: Provides shelter and case management to medically fragile individuals referred by healthcare providers, helping them recover and find pathways to stable housing.

  • Wrap-Around Services: Includes job training, childcare solutions, healthcare connections, and housing stabilization support.

Community Impact

  • Sheltered individuals for 18,033 nights and served approximately 25,000 meals last year.

  • Assisted 47 households in securing permanent housing and helped 12 individuals gain employment.

  • Launched a Tenant-Based Rental Assistance (TBRA) program, providing affordable housing and ongoing support for up to 36 months.

  • Expanded facilities with an additional 9,000 square feet to enhance services for children and families.


Support Room in the Inn

    • For guests as they work to rebuild their lives and find stable housing.

    • For staff as they provide shelter, meals, and case management.

    • For leadership as the board plans for sustainability and growth.

    • For the Memphis community, which faces a severe shortage of affordable housing.

    • Financial contributions help offset the costs of shelter, meals, transportation, and supportive services.

    • Donate through the Amazon Wishlist or provide items such as bed linens, cleaning supplies, and toiletries.

    • Host Congregational Shelter nights, providing meals and overnight accommodations.

    • Volunteer at the welcome desk, assist with children’s programs, or prepare meals.

    • Participate in the summer Children in the Inn (CITI) Camp to support children experiencing homelessness.


Ministry Champion

Julie Vukadinovich




Jacob’s Well