Christ Church Stories
4 Heart Conditions that Impact Your Spiritual Fruitfulness
Where are you on your spiritual journey? The Parable of the Sower is a quick guide to assessing your heart’s soil, and in this blog, we examine how our receptiveness to the Gospel indicates our fruitfulness.
What is a Parable?
Why did Jesus choose to teach through parables? How do we interpret a parable? In this blog, we delve into why Jesus chose parables, their role in revealing profound messages, and how to navigate their meanings.
Debtors of Grace: A Prostitute’s Faith and a Pharisee’s Blindness
Discover how forgiveness awakens love and worship, leading to a life reconciled with God. In this blog, we uncover four key lessons from the parable of the two debtors and learn how embracing forgiveness can lead to a new way of living in the peace of Christ.
What Are the Blessings of Fearing God?
How did the early Church advance the Gospel? They unflinchingly feared the Lord more than man during darkness and depravity. What can we learn from them for our spiritual journey? This blog explains how embracing the fear of the Lord is key to experiencing God’s favor and blessings.
How To Be A Friend of Jesus
What does it look like to be a friend of Jesus? In this blog, learn how to embrace the intimate friendship that God desires with you. We explore four invitations that lead to a closer relationship with God. Uncover the beauty of being a true friend of God and draw near to Him, experiencing the transformational power of friendship on your spiritual journey.
A Word on “Transforming Prayer”
A book review of Daniel Henderson’s “Transforming Prayer” through personal anecdotes to show the spiritual awakening of reevaluating our approach to prayer. Instead of seeking God’s hand, what if we sought His face? Are our prayers to magnify God or lessen our load?
Day One: A Spiritual Journey of Redemption
Take the first step of your journey from darkness to light. Drawing from Genesis 1, discover the transformative power of embracing Day One and stepping into God's radiant grace. Find guidance on acknowledging the goodness of light, speaking it into existence, and experiencing the shift toward redemption.
How to Develop Intimacy with God
Explore the depths of Psalm 25 as we delve into David’s plea for friendship during times of distress. Discover the wisdom and guidance born from the fear of the Lord, leading to an intimate relationship with God. In this blog, we uncover the sacred connection that comes from revering God and seeking His wisdom.
How to Awaken Your Affection for God
What does it look like for our hearts to be awakened to God’s presence? As King David returns the Ark to Jerusalem, he dances in carefree awe before the Lord. How can we move our hearts to expression like David? This blog explores the transformative power that causes us to crave God’s presence.
What Does Worship Look Like?
Is it possible to hear God’s Gospel but not to actually hear it? What does a reaction to the revelation of God’s presence look like, and how does it reflect in our worship? In this blog, we examine how King David displayed that worship is an awakened affection that is more than showing up on Sunday.