Christ Church Stories
Four Heart Responses to a Holy God
Examining the Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector, we can dissect common spiritual deceptions and the postures of a repentant heart. This is a clear parable of the contrasts between self-righteousness and humility. Discover how to embrace a teachable spirit and unlock God’s mercy.
Beyond Evangelism: The Deeper Meaning of the Great Commission
The Great Commission is a proclamation to take the Gospel to the nations, but what else does Jesus explore in His final sermon? How does the central command of the Great Commission impact how we approach relationships and evangelism?
A Lifestyle of Persistent Prayer
Discover the transformative power of persistent prayer in this insightful exploration of Luke 18:1-8, The Parable of the Unjust Judge. Discover new depths in your relationship with God by choosing a lifestyle of prayer and finding hope in God’s promises.
The Refinement Process: How God Tests and Grows Us
In this blog, we explore the transformative journey of spiritual growth through God’s refinement process. How do we embrace discipline, seek righteousness, and cultivate a deeper relationship with God? We define the biblical perspective of tests, temptations, and what are God's redemptive purpose in challenges.
Transform Your Life: Five Keys to Humility
Explore five profound insights into humility derived from Luke 17:1-10. Discover how these teachings of Jesus can transform lives and foster spiritual growth, guiding believers toward a deeper understanding of humility and its impact on personal and communal well-being.
Beyond the Grave: Understanding the Cost of Eternal Life
If the resurrection is false, our faith is futile. This blog explores the reality of the resurrection and how it outlines the hope that we have for an afterlife. This blog explores life’s purpose, the reality of the afterlife, and the priceless gift of eternal salvation. Amid the world’s fleeting connection and existential longing, discover why the resurrection matters to everyone.
How to be a True Worshiper?
What is the authentic heart of worship? How does Jesus’ arrival in Jerusalem signify an example of sacrificial worship? In this blog, you will uncover the essence of true worship, learn to be a thermostat in your worship life, and embrace the sacrificial nature of adoration.
The Cross as the Ultimate Act of Redemption
While the weight of sin mars our lives and separates us from God, it's through the cross that we find our reconciliation with God. While we may feel irredeemable, no one is beyond the reach of Christ's redemption. Read how the power of the cross brings beauty from brokenness and hope from despair.
Investing in Eternity: A Parable of Choice and Consequence
What does Jesus say about unbelief? In The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus, Jesus calls us to question where our heart trusts about eternal life. Delve into this biblical narrative’s societal, spiritual, and eternal implications that will challenge our conventional beliefs about faith, wealth, and salvation.
Embracing Eternity: What Luke 16 Teaches Us About Tomorrow
Explore the profound lessons hidden within Jesus’ Parable of the Unjust Steward (Luke 16:1-13). Gain insights into stewardship, eternal perspectives, and the true meaning of wealth in light of eternity. Discover how embracing these teachings can transform your life and prepare you for lasting rewards.